Friday, December 18, 2009

Hot Chocolate

It's the staple after playing outside in the winter. Even though, it seems to me, running around the back yard (no matter how cold) makes one really thirsty and a big glass of water is more appropriate, there's still nothing more (oddly) natural than coming in to a big steaming cup of good old hot chocolate. Yesterday, Eli drank his from the mug of a Peter Rabbit place setting that my Grandma Smit gave me probably nearly two decades ago. Eli never met this grandma, but he hears about her every time he uses that mug. Who ever says that icons cannot be sacred never tried to help their three year old know an ancestor without any tangible evidence.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Monday, December 14, 2009

Christmas has begun

This weekend started our Christmas celebrations with two different festivities.

For the last four or five years, a group of friends have gotten together for a "White Christmas" party. This beautiful festivity involved sharing a meal, decorating cookies and sharing in a sing-along-viewing of "White Christmas" - you know, with Bing Crosby and Danny Kay. Another tradition that started along the way is taking horribly cheesy family pictures around the tree. Now that there are kids involved, it's fun to try and get this accomplished. Here's a few of the family portraits from our friends as well.
Brian and Liz with Raven.

Kurt and Matteah with Raiya.

Jonathan, Hollie, Shelby and, of course, Asher.

Then, on Saturday, we celebrated Christmas with the Petersen side of the family.
It's hard to believe this is Asher's first Christmas celebration - he was around most of the winter last year and he's just so big. He had a great time. Now Ei's learning what it's like for Asher to have toys that were given to him that Asher gets first dibs on:)

Friday, December 4, 2009

Asher's growing

Asher seems to change daily right now, learning new tricks and reaching new milestones. He really wants to get around, but is a little hesitant to let go and actually walk. Last weekend he sort-of-almost took a step. Well, maybe it was more like a lung - I guess if you give him the right incentive he's off.

Last night Asher and Eli both had their first experience with a Sushi bar. We celebrated Grandma's __'th birthday at Shogun off of 28th street. It was quiet an experience and the boys really wanted to play and the cool little table room we were in.

And this morning, Asher popped his first tooth! We could see it yesterday, but today there's a little sharp point sticking through his gum. Happy first tooth, Asher!

Grandma and Grandpa Traxler have moved back! It's fun to have them close again and see them a bit more often. Last Saturday, we went to visit them in South Haven where they're staying until their house is built. We had a great time taking a walk in the ridiculously warm November weather and making cookies.

And we really enjoyed being able to celebrate Grandma's birthday with her for the first time in quite a long time.