Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Day Care Buddies

On Tuesday, Asher had his first day at Appletree day care. Eli has been going there for about a year and a half and loves his friends in his classroom. Both boys will continue to go one day a week. Asher was a champ his first day and mom did okay, too.

Notice the shoes on Asher in this picture. They are from his Great Aunt Marsha, who also made some for Eli when he was little. Asher's are still a bit big, but they were just too cute with this outfit to pass up.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Asher had his 2 month check up yesterday with Dr. Staublin. He's doing great - 10 lb, 12 oz, and 23 inches long. The Dr. told us that, because babies are obviously not exposed to light before they are born, the pigments in their skin can take several weeks to really show up. Because of this, birth marks often start appearing around 8 weeks. Earlier this week I noticed a small brown spot on Asher's knee that wasn't there before. In fact, when he was born, we couldn't find any marks on him. Since we don't have him on his tummy and naked very much (as in never - it's cold!), we noticed a more prominent birth mark at his check up. It's actually sort of a reverse birth mark. On his back, just above his right hip, Asher has a large spot that's WHITE!

Vacation to Grandma and Grandpa T's

Late Monday night, we returned home from a wonderful week at Grandma and Grandpa Traxler's house. The boy's both seemed to have a great time and Jeff and I both got some good rest. Thanks for the extra sleep, Grandma and Grandpa!

We visited the Crayola Factory and the fish hatchery, where Eli got to feed the fish. Eli checked out Grandpa's fly tying table (a fisherman in the making?) and got to take his baths in the big jacuzzi tub - once even with lots of bubbles. We had a great time. Thanks for everything!